
  • 研究, develop and implement knowledge-based and hybrid 自然语言处理 (NLP) technology
  • Provide a hub of expertise in artificial intelligence (AI)
    • 在人工智能方面培训有能力的学生,并让他们与行业合作伙伴一起就业
    • Prioritizing service time for revenue-generating projects in support of faculty and students
    • Generating and supporting all-inclusive humor generation and analysis relative to AI
  • Serve as a general center for research and education in AI research
  • 为学术界和工业界的研究团体开发可扩展的知识图谱资源库


语义人工智能与创造力实验室(SAICL)的研究重点是计算机网络中非结构化真实世界自然语言文本的语义处理, the largest repository of knowledge and information in the world. SAICL提供对文本的直接访问 意义 使用“类人”处理,而不是使用机器学习模型和算法的统计近似来补充访问,这些模型和算法现在和未来都可以在商业上使用.

由SAICL开发的人类语言人工智能是精确生成人工智能和人机交互领域最先进的研究, 并且在自然语言处理(NLP)和其他知识丰富的应用中受到商业实现和学术呼吁的高度重视. 该实验室还支持跨学科和多学科研究,涉及与机器学习方法和非nlp功能互补的本体. 除了, the SAICL is involved in 计算语言学 used in humor research, a growing body of knowledge and experiences.




The Lexical Field of Laugh in Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

目标:这是一个多语种的多学科项目,研究词汇领域的语义, 微笑, 露齿而笑, 等.), 包括语义, 文学, 计算语言学, 翻译研究, 音韵学和幽默研究. 该项目比较了该领域引理在越来越多的语言中的翻译,以分析该领域的语义.


目标:建立一个混合系统,以知识图的形式表示笑话的含义,并嵌入幽默的分析和生成. 亨佩尔曼最近(2022年夏季)在亚马逊大挑战实验室担任应用科学家.com, 开发一个计算幽默系统的原型,并与该领域的国际领导者一起主持为期一天的关于计算幽默艺术现状的离线会议和圆桌会议. 亨佩尔曼和米勒目前正在亚马逊审核另一项幽默创作补助金(2023年夏季).

NSF OKN资助:新项目

Lexically-Assisted Efficient Ontology Alignment for the Open Knowledge Network

我们要解决的问题是, 在本体, terms for similar concepts may have slightly different semantics, leading to inconsistencies when ontologies are merged or when federated searches are conducted. 解决方案是进行本体匹配:基于语义相似性对来自不同本体的概念进行对齐.


Patient-Centered Ontology Development and Evaluation for a Personal 健康 Information System

目标:该项目创建一个医学本体,以及根据现有医学知识库对其进行评估的方法和工具. 预期的应用是一个个人健康信息系统(PHIS)为阿尔茨海默病患者和他们的照顾者.









Victor Raskin, Ph.D., is an emeritus distinguished professor of Linguistics, founder and chair of the Interdisciplinary Program in Linguistics, professor of Computer Science (Courtesy Appointment), founder and coordinator of the Natural Language Processing Laboratory, 也是普渡大学信息保障与安全教育与研究中心(CERIAS)的特许主任. 他获得了建筑学的所有学位, Computational and Mathematical Linguistics from Moscow State University, 现任莫斯科罗蒙诺索夫大学(博士.D., 1970; M.A./M.S., 1966, B.A./B.S., 1964), with minors in mathematical logic, computer science and cognitive psychology. 1966年至1973年,他在母校任教, 1973- 1978年在耶路撒冷希伯来大学(全日制)和特拉维夫大学(兼职)学习, 密歇根大学(1978年春), 和普渡大学(自1978年秋季起), where he is now a distinguished professor of English and Linguistics; He has published 17 books and more than 200 papers on natural language semantics and its applications, 从软的修辞学和幽默研究到硬的语言工程研究, natural language and information processing, 计算幽默/社会计算, 自然语言、信息保障、安全以及最近的机器人智能和通信.


劳尔Aranovich, Ph.D., is a theoretical linguist specializing in the grammar of various romance languages. He studies grammatical mismatches between syntax, morphology and semantics using 自然语言处理 and corpus linguistics tools. He also works on computer-mediated communication. 阿兰诺维奇获得了博士学位.D. 1996年从加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得语言学博士学位,2001年起担任加州大学戴维斯分校副教授. 在加州大学戴维斯分校之前, he held faculty positions at Ohio State University and the University of Texas at San Antonio.

茱莉亚米. Rayz, Ph.D.他是普渡大学计算机与信息技术系的教授. 她获得了辛辛那提大学的多个学位,并在RiverGlass担任高级研究工程师, 公司. before joining CERIAS as a research assistant professor in 2011. She is currently a tenure-track assistant professor and fellow of CERIAS, 具备各个领域的专业知识, 包括人工智能, information security and computational semantics.

特里斯坦•米勒, Ph.D., is a research scientist at the Austrian 研究 Institute for 艺术ificial Intelligence. He has a computer science doctorate from Technische Universität Darmstadt, where he works as a research scientist in the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab. He previously worked at the German 研究 Center for 艺术ificial Intelligence, Griffith University and the University of Toronto. 他也为英奎拉工作过, 一家企业知识管理公司, as a language engineer and business analyst from 2008 to 2011. Miller’s research focuses on 自然语言处理 and computational lexical semantics. He has authored over two dozen peer-reviewed papers and is a science popularizer, 为诸如《皇冠体育365赌博》和《皇冠体育365》等出版物撰稿.”


杰拉尔德努力 是Ezoic的数据科学家. 他是基于人工智能的流程和产品方面的专家,拥有包括自然语言处理在内的多个应用领域的经验.

比尔DeSmedt 有25年创造智能会话代理的经验,使用自然语言处理和知识表示来模拟个性和进行对话. 他是MetaLang™的创造者, 一个以知识为基础, language-independent conversational agent technology. Bill has a strong background in systems design and development and has authored two novels, as well as some journal articles and seminar papers on knowledge engineering. He also has a blog on English grammar, usage and writing style.

考特尼福尔克, Ph.D., is the senior research scientist for the Optic Global Threat Intelligence Center. Courtney works on applications of ontologies to information security problems. 他获得了博士学位.D. in information security from Purdue University. 为了他的论文, Courtney将本体语义技术应用于检测恶意网络钓鱼邮件的问题. Courtney has worked in information security in the government, private and academic sectors. Courtney目前的目标是将标准机器学习技术与本体语义(如自动知识获取和文本意义表示生成)相结合.

拉里·莱夫科维茨, Ph.D., has more than thirty years of experience in the 艺术ificial Intelligence industry. 从共同创立并指导学术界的人工智能研究实验室,到管理拥有60名员工的专业服务业务优化实践, Larry专注于应用基于知识的解决方案,以改善全球各行业对人工智能的使用. Larry’s expertise builds relationships between clients and solution providers, 以及将战略目标与必要的战术活动结合起来以实现它们.

加文·马修斯, M.A., is a senior software engineer at Apertura Data. As a highly-creative researcher and inventive problem-solver, Gavin has considerable expertise in data science, 自然语言处理, 人工智能和机器人技术.

乔大n, MBA, is a comedian who has earned three Emmy Awards using his wit and love of language. 在洛杉矶取得成功后, 乔和他的家人搬到了纽约, 在那里他成为了 《大卫·莱特曼深夜秀. 后来, he transitioned into cable television as a writer and producer for the comedic detective show 和尚. 今天, 乔拥有Witscript的专利, a software product he created that uses AI to improvise jokes.


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